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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Poem: Love’s Sly Ride

After the roses,
And chocolate candy
After candlelit dinner
And late night brandies…

Your lips
Caress the kiss
Of my lips. We share
A wet language:
Of dueling
And rattling breaths.

Your hand
Treks slowly
Down this
Path that leads to
The contour
At the small of
My back.

My fingers become these
Rapid heat-seekers,
Reading the hot
Braille of
Your skin. And you are

A pulse beat… and
A knowing smile.
A face of twitching
Fire, and a wild
Undulation. You are
A catch of sweltering
Breath… a torrid
Rhythm and
A swerving of hips.

You are
An urgent voice inside a dream
That whispers softly,
Then crucifies
My name.

And I am part
Part man, inflamed.
And I am passion’s
Insane beast!
My hunger
An exclamation, yearning
Your sweet relief.

Inside my eyes
You shine and hum
There is some
Thing in you,
Like a shooting star...
And all of me longs
To catch your


And beneath me
You sweetly quiver
As I lunge…

We are rays of
Light and sweat
We are sighs
And moans
And the rustle of
Sheets swinging.

We are walking
Tongues and hot
Stalking paws.
We are the song
Of angels and
The howl of dogs!

We are a strange
Contortion, and
A rough day’s

We are
A sultry map of steamy
Geography. We become
A happy,
Nappy journey
Through pleasured peaks
And cherished valleys.

We are the lush cry and
The shuttering gasp! We are
Rush of consummation, and
The climatic

And then…

Your lips caress
This waiting pucker at
The kiss of
My lips.

I levitate.
As my soul shifts
From the gist of
Love’s sly ride…

I … I… I… bask in this utter
Thrill of you, panting,
Convulsing by my side.

And still your
Hand surveys
This Braille of

And you touch
And you touch
Those downy narrow
Places where even

Cupid with his arrow

Would blush.

One Love.



Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Nice to see you again and what a lush Valentines Day poem.

Love is what's inside, set it free...

Teri and the cats of Furrydance

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written - lustful and full of love - I was THERE. Refreshing after reading a zillion schlocky ink-jetted verses posing as poems on stock glossy cards to read some REAL love poem poetry.

Unknown said...


Babz Rawls Ivy said...

If it's alright with you I would like to read it on air on my show on Tuesday. Oh I know I wouldn't do it justice...but I sure would like to have it upon my lips.

Happy Valentine's Day

RachelW said...

Wow... this takes my breath away.

greeneyes67 said...

That was incredibly vivid. And sexy... Happy Valentines Day Lin..

Solomon said...

Very nice Valentines Day Poem.

I am a new visitor to your blog, I'll be sure to come again!

♥ CG ♥ said...

Whew, this is fiyah, Lin!

Happy Valentine's Day :-)!

D-Place said...

Happy Valentine's Day.

Carleen Brice said...

Wow! Hope your V-Day was as lovely as this!

maaga..... said...

wow!..this was..

...that heat.

loved it!

Mizrepresent said...

That absolutely enchanting...i want to live in this piece.

joaquin carvel said...

you do a lot of things really, really well - but when you paint pictures of passion - "A sultry map of steamy Geography" - you are in a leauge of your own.

"An urgent voice inside a dream
That whispers softly,
Then crucifies
My name." - i had to stop and just soak that in - brilliant.

Opaque said...


Anonymous said...

this flowed like water and I never wanted the river to end...

Self-Proclaimed Mistress of Nothing said...

That, my dear, is absolutely brilliant. That's the way to write about it... with such fine precision -- no vulgarity required. I don't think I've ever read a better sensual poem.


Babz Rawls Ivy said...

I am THRILLED and a bit overwhelmed that you like my reading of your poem.

It is a fantastic poem!

It moves me so.

prettytrini said...


Sorry for the late comment, but just getting around to blogger. Love this!!!

Anonymous said...

Apart from all the 'caps' at the beginning I love this.'An urgent voice inside a dream' Beautiful you, just beautiful.