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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Letter of Outrage To The NY Post

Dear Editor, Most Specifically, Rubbery Rupert Murdock:

Congratulations, on this, your latest salvo into the world of racist journalism! As a Black Man, I deeply appreciate this newest honor you’ve shown my brethren and me, especially with this being Black History Month and all! Thank you.

It still seems that in SOME eyes, we are and will forever be doomed to the tunnel-vision scope of your tragically limited perceptions of us. We are not inventors, not doctors, not lawyers, not astronauts. We are not Congressmen, not Senators, and certainly NOT Presidents! No. We are apes and monkeys.

It is both shameful and incredulous that you claim not to have known of the cartoon’s dubious implications. It is beyond sad, that in 2009, you, your so-called journalists, and your cartoonists have yet to evolve from a mindset steeped in good ole Jim Crowism.


It is no secret that racist minds have long attached the image of gorillas, monkeys, chimpanzees and simians to the visage of African-Americans in this country. Only a FOOL would bother to deny that this was clearly your intent! The cartoon's caption furthermore targets one very specific Black man: The President. How sick! How dangerous! How dare you!

How could this not be obvious to you, or to anyone on your staff, regardless of their education?

Any image that hints at the assassination of anyone, much less the Leader of the Free World is an image based in evil. Period.

If this were truly an ill-conceived and harmless depiction of a current event, it might be forgiven. However, only the deeply uninformed would believe this to be a mistake or an egregious error in judgment, because your history of blatant yellow journalism, your habit of ridiculing, debasing, besmirching and demonizing blacks in this city and this country is a long and ugly one.

Having once been a regular reader, I can site chapter and verse of the many times you’ve used your paper to sway public opinion in a negative light whenever it featured people of color.

Was it not YOUR paper that has referred to young back men as ‘BEASTS?’

Is it not your paper, which will systematically ignore the achievements of blacks, or usher them to a less visible section, and yet gives front page headlines to any negative incident or crime where people of color are involved? Does the arrest of Spike Lee’s father for possessing a ten-dollar bag of heroin really necessitate front-page news? Apparently in the pages of The Post it does.

Since those days of your not-so-subtle racist headlines, your aggressively right-winged slants, your ugly ways of reporting stories that are geared at degrading black and brown people, I had already long ago boycotted your rag. Hopefully, with this latest event, thousands of others will do the came.

It is my wish that you will come to know such explicit racial hatred, shameless dodging of the facts, and your fake-ass passion-free apologies will no longer be tolerated. Perhaps when your revenues begin to slip even further, THEN you will finally get the message.

Wake UP!

L.M. Ross


KAOS said...

Oh, well said, sir.

When I first saw the "cartoon" on Towleroad, without even reading the story attached, I assumed it to be exactly what it is - a blatantly racist slur against Barack Obama. I didn't read the story and simply rolled my eyes, thinking "those crazy rednecks and their sour grapes."

Only much later did I come to understand that the cartoon had been printed in a major newspaper in NYC, and was supposedly nothing to to with Obama.

What purpose does it serve, exactly? Obama *is* President and Dubya is off wiping horses asses on his ranch.

So I return to my original thought: those crazy rednecks and their sour grapes.

I hope they publish your letter.

Babz Rawls Ivy said...

I have no comments on the NY Post. YOu however capture my sentiments beautifully.

Here is the link for my radio show on poetry...I read your poem...halfway through the program :)

Oh it is such a lush poem.

QH said...

I know that's right. Glad to see you doing what needs to be done.-QH

Anonymous said...

Rage and howl against the insanity and madness my wonderful brother of full blown magnificent color! I will pass this rant on with my own added indignant screams and shouts of utter disgust on BOTH my blogs.

Anonymous said...

They should be charged with threatening The President of the United States like an average citizen would be if he sent a cartoon like that. You know the Secret Service would investigate!!! The Post should be charged to the fullest extent of the law.

Racist Fools!

Right On Brother.. Great Article!!


becomingkate said...

Oh my goodness! I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I keep expecting something better. Glad you confronted them!

Supreme Being said...

Thank you for calling them out on their BS... The NY Post has been a racist paper from jump street. I hate when they try to pretend as if they didn't know the underlying meaning of the cartoon. That's why I keep telling people, just because Obama's president doesn't mean that Dr. King's dream has been fulfilled... American still has a long way to go... This country is still racist... Kudos to you brother...

Mr. Jones said...

**stands up and applauds**

Well done, sir.

L. said...

What an incredibly offensive and horrifying cartoon. How could it not be obvious??!!

This is a powerful post. I certainly hope it hits hard where it is aimed.

♥ CG ♥ said...

You said all the things I think, but didn't have the words for.

Anonymous said...

Hey been missing you....

damn shame how we blacks are treated, cant we just all get along!!???

Self-Proclaimed Mistress of Nothing said...

All I can say is... the racist remarks I've heard and read these past few months make me feel so sad. Sad for those they are pointed at -- and even sadder for those who are so ignorant, arrogant, and filled with fear who made them.

maaga..... said...

well said!