From the bottom of my heart, I wish to say THANK YOU for those cool, beautiful people and sweet supportive souls who have paid attention.
"What happens to men, to married fathers who beat their children senselessly...and then storm off into the restless Harlem night?
Do they grieve or lament their terrible actions? Do they hold long conversations with God? Do they think themselves sane and their actions as essential in building the spines of strong Black men?
What happens to them when they walk away from the pain and the ache and the madness they've made? Perhaps some find a soft young distraction that sighs in just the right key, or moans as if on cue, and she or he pretends to understand them...and then that pretty young distraction makes quietly eloquent love to another raging Black man."
From Like Litter in The Wind a novel By L.M. Ross
One Love.