America has a brand new swagger this morning. It strides and moves in a unified sway, and it feels to me like the rhythm of change.
I am proud that on November 4, 2008, World History was made. I am proud that I was able to experience the Monumental Event come to pass as Barack Obama became the 1st African American male to be elected President of the United States.
I am proud, as a Black Man, because I am well aware of the tumultuous history of this country.
I am proud because Barack Obama's victory speaks multitudinous volumes, and has set the stage for people of ALL races.
I am proud because Obama is living proof that we are in the land of opportunity.
I am encouraged that Obama's ascent did not solely manifest from the works, the deeds, the hopes nor the dreams of black people or white people, or brown people or yellow people or young people, or women or men. His being elected to the Highest Office this country allows did not rest solely upon the shoulders of straight or gay votes, nor the rich, middle class, the poor and disenfranchised alone. His ascent to this position is due to all these people coming together as one in a profoundly beautiful AMERICAN MOSAIC.
I am encouraged that we each now have the opportunity as Americans to unite and work towards rebuilding this country. The 2008 Elections have been irrefutable evidence that this change can and will happen.
As I watched President-Elect Barack Obama give his acceptance speech, I thought of my late grandmother Margie, who lived most her life under the spirit-robbing, soul-smothering blanket of Jim Crowism, and who didn't get the right to vote until she'd reached middle-age. I thought of my late father who quietly raged against his perceived limitations and his ultimate station as a black man in this country.
It makes me believe in the strength of the law of attraction. Americans came together promoting change and empowerment through a sense of passion and hours spent in preparation of this election.
It is evidence that what you think about, you bring about.
And comes the time for Americans and the world to THINK ABOUT empowering ourselves, and to BRING ABOUT the spirit of positive change that is yet to come. Barack Obama has made it clear that he can not accomplish the herculean task before us all by his lonesome. He needs US!
I am proud to know that you and I and we are far more powerful than we've been conditioned to believe.
This election has affirmed for me that America has begun to live up to its creed.
Never again will I allow anyone to tell me I am not deserving of the life of my dreams. Barack Obama by his mind, his will, his plan, his determination, his sheer 'audacity of hope' has already proven that YES WE ALL CAN!
America has a Brand New Swagger this morning. It feels like the rhythm of change.
As Sam Cooke once sang so prophetically over 40 years ago:
May GOD be with you.
One Love.
OH yeah, and to the brothers who lifted their thumbs, and their fists at me today at the intersection, i say OH YEAH, a change is most definitely gonna come. Rejoice!
Great POST!
One of the best I ahve read in the last 2 days! I love hearing Balck men speak on what it means to be Black men and all the shit that many don't get to see or even feel.
A new kind of swagger indeed...
I figured you have a new step in your walk with Obama's election. Be well.-QH
hey how are you...how did you celebrate that glorious day??
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