Those Who Knew You In Newark Still Call You "Nippy." To Close Friends And Family, You Will Always Be "Nippy." To The World, And For The Ages, You Will Always Be
Whitney... Just Whitney...
Our Greatest Songbird! Our Iconic Princess! Majestic and Regal!
Our Hope! Our Most
Magnificent Whitney!!!
We Thank You So Much For Your Gift. You Possessed A Voice, Kissed By the Gods. It Was Spine-Tingling! It Was Sublime! Though, Sometimes This Sadness In Us Wishes You Had Treated It, And Yourself, Kinder.
Still, We Shall Never Forget The Force, The Gusto, The Sheer JOY This Voice
Could Bring To Us All. All Grit And Gospel! All Passionate Pop! All Shimmering Angelic Soul. Oh! God! How We Lived For The Sonic Thrill And The Soar Of It!
That Voice Could Pour Out Like Honey And Holy Water And Soundly, Most Profoundly Baptize Us All.
That Voice Was The Stuff Of Star-Fire, and Waterfalls...
Then Suddenly The Sky Darkened... And That Voice Was Gone.
You Can Rest Easy Now, Whitney... Soar Your Highest, Most Pristine Note
Inside The Heavens Now. Open Your Mouth, And Let That Symphony
Within Your Soul Fly Free, Now!
And As You Did Here, On Earth, Leave The Gossips With Something
To Talk About... Just Sing And Bring Those Goosebumps Upon
The Angels Skin!
The Lights Have Dimmed. Take A Bow. Fly Home Now, Nippy. And God's Speed To Whitney Houston. Our Most Beautiful...
And Troubled