Last weekend a wicked Nor'easter wrecked mad havoc in many parts of the north east, and my ville did not escape the madness. While there was severe flooding in some areas, and week-long power outages in others, I lost electricity for a while. The strange thing is that more than missing TV, or my computer; more than the loss of lights and use of the fridge, what I missed most was the inability to listen to my music! My i-Pod had died, and the stereo was a no-go. It made me very depressed to be unable to call upon those gods and goddesses of sound; those mood elevators, ambience shifters, and those spirit massagers who are as necessary to me as AIR!
It felt like the whole concept of music had DIED, leaving only echoes and shadows of voices in my head. That was my mental state. I wondered, what would this world be if we no longer had music. Many of us would experience a very lonely form of insanity, wouldn't we? Just meditating on this concept alone was deeply disturbing.
Anyway... that was when the birth this poem arrived.
I call it, "On The Day The Music Dies."
On the day the music dies
From the beak of Birds
Will come
A cry...
Clouds will rain salty tears.
Soprano winds will scat and blow
But no one left will
On the day the music dies
The hands of genius will
Become paralyzed. Freedom
Will cease
To exist. Life, as we know it
Will no longer
The crash of oceans will be
Only noise, & Miles away
In some discordant pause,
You'll hear the sound,
The caw, the cry, the
Bleat, and the roar
Of my
One Love.
copyright © 2010 by L.M. Ross