As I reflect upon the personal revelations and the ravages of 2011
I am glad I can say with some degree of satisfaction that:
Everything's fine.
Hired a small team of lawyers. Didn’t get my rightful justice, but at least I walked away with some peace of mind… and
Everything’s fine.
Completed a novel. It’s probably my best work to date, yet couldn’t find a decent literary agent to rep me, so, since I am no longer trusting of those within the publishing industry, I will be doing the entrepreneur thing… And guess what?
Everything’s fine.
Quit smoking. Felt sick every day from Early January thru mid-May, before I finally went to a hospital and was promptly diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure. Was given a pacemaker and a Second Chance at Life, and now…
Everything’s fine.
I’ve looked at life from all sides, and realized that petty stresses amount to nothing more than nonsense, the petty people don’t mean shit, and the Real Deal ones are truly worth the investment. And…
Everything’s fine.
Love has smiled broadly in my direction... turned its back, walked away, appeared, reappeared, disappeared, gotten shy, showed its ass, and finally revealed its true face… and now...
Everything’s fine.
Yes, as I reflect upon the personal revelations and the ravages of 2011...
I am Blessed to say, with some degree of satisfaction, that:
Everything's fine.
Snatch JOY, y'all!