After we spark
After we talk
After we kiss…
After we touch
After that fit of
Magic happens between
Us... After we descend
Like slow and falling
Stars… After
Stripped virtues
Quickly depart
After the stardust
After the rush
After we bust
That final nut…
After our bellies
Fill with
Mild disgust
After the silence
What'll become of
After we've moaned
And groaned our
Frenetic groans...
Shivered in rivers
Then made excuses
To head home
After we've fucked
In the absence of lust
After night sucks passion
Like a Hoover Deluxe
Will what happened
To them
Ever happen to
After we fuck...
After we've fucked?
After we've howled
After we've screamed
After we've exchanged
These bodily fluids
After we’ve hummed
And come…
And made shit and dust
Of a Sacred Moment
Will tomorrow be implied
Inside this silent kiss
Or will tomorrow be…
Just another muscular
After the suck
After the ride
After the fuck
After the lies
After we've kissed
After we've touched
After we've descended
After we've fucked?
After we
That final nut…
After our bellies
Fill with mild
The Hoover night has
Sucked passion up…
Will what happened to
Those others
Ever happen to us…
After we’ve fucked?
I am speechless...
Yikes, One! Sadly, this sums up most of my encounters. Thought-provoking...
the things we think but never say - you just said.
this kicks ass.
Very cool. Made me a little uncomfortable. I like that.
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