For all of its luster, confusion, its pain and terrible beauty, LIFE is and will always be a continuing course in adult education. Each day, we become either new students or learned professors. Each day we endure some grand test of our emotions and our spirits where, in the end, we receive either a passing or a failing grade.
Today, after a recent 14 day fast, I can truthfully state that my spirit has become a lighter thing. I am now left unburdened by the minutia of daily occurrences, such as stress, worry, disappointment, and even that ole rabid dog, called heartbreak. It doesn’t mean that those things have not visited me, or that they won’t visit again. Only now, accompanying those tests will be a certain clarity I didn’t possess before. It’s allowed a radiant calmness to pervade me. I know now, that no matter what positive energy I project into my living, problems and difficulties will occur. People with ungodly agendas will manifest for the sole purpose of wrecking havoc in my path. I did not invite them nor single-handedly create them, and I am not meant to conquer them all alone. I am more aware than ever before that a Presence far Larger than myself sees all, knows all, and will handle all in due time.
It’s so freeing to toss away those concerns and troubles that had imprisoned me, held me hostage, and endowed me with such psychic pain, anger and thoughts of revenge.
I will no longer allow negative people and their negative acts define me, and more specifically, my reactions to them.
I will NOT allow the ugliness of others to infect nor infest my spirit with some mutually repulsive disorder.
Most importantly, I’ve learned that what truly defines me, and what ultimately defines us all, is the ability to reveal the true Loveliness within our Souls. I’ve learned that what gives us our most Supreme Gravity in this life is Faith, Forgiveness and Reverence. What I strive to contain within myself is a profound and unwavering sense of Grace. What we must all strive to contain within ourselves is GRACE.
Life’s adversities are truly our Greatest Teachers. In all the years of matriculated studies, whether we're the class valedictorian, the class clown, or the class flunk, the class whatever, the one that matters most is the class we hold within; the class of Humanity, Love, and Honesty. This is the one class that teaches us the MOST mighty and needed lesson of all which is: to become Vessels of Honor and Compassion.
We are all born with Grace, with the glow of God-Light to sustain us. Once we allow it to diminish, no amount of money can purchase it, and no amount of success or pretense can ever achieve it again.
I truly hope those who’ve purposely, maliciously, and with much forethought, lied, maligned, cheated, embezzled, and waged weapons against me will realize, remember, and retain this Sacred Truth:
To Lose Grace Is To Lose The Core Light Of One’s Being, And The Quintessential Ingredient Of One’s Humanity.
Realizing this, KNOWING this to be True, I will strive to impart some semblance of GRACE in every encounter, and in every single relationship I’ve made and ever will make.
In the end, on our last day, this and only this will comprise our True Measure.
Snatch JOY!
L.M. Ross
What a pleasure to have you back. I could sense something was amiss...but was not sure exactly.
There is a lot in this post...deep underneath the written. I can feel it. But it is not my place to discern the deeper meanings for you...but I can take what you've written and apply it as a salve for my wounded spirit (which is on the mind)
We all have out paths to continued enlightenment. We attract all to us bad and good. For each thing/person/lover/situation/issue has a lesson directly for us...intimately. You have learned one I suspect...iron sharpens iron.
Again nice to have you back :)
This is so uplifting, as expected--not sugar coated find your bliss stuff--but real life good and bad experiences. And imparting grace, not an impossible goal, but it truly does take work and thought and with that in mind, I too will try...
we are who we are... outside influence do affect us, but how we handle it is OUR decision. You have to love the person you are before you can love others....
{hugs}.. nice to read you again...
I believe we were cross posting at each other sites at the same time...imagine my suprise to see you comments on my blog! LOL!
It is lovely to have you back...in a very strong voice :)
"To Lose Grace Is To Lose The Core Light Of One’s Being, And The Quintessential Ingredient Of One’s Humanity."
No truer words have you said. Thanks for this post. It's just what I needed to read. I lost my light for awhile but I got it back now as well. Glad you got yours too!
Gosh, Lin, I don't have the words to express how this post touched me. There's an extreme freedom in being able to fend off the poisonous darts life/people can aim at us. This freedom is created through an openness to learn from the past and not be held by it's often caustic grip.
"T'was Grace that taught...
my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear...
the hour I first believed."
From the old hymn, and no one's said it better or even as well until this post. Nicely penned, my friend. You GET it.
Some never do. Sad.
"To Lose Grace Is To Lose The Core Light Of One’s Being, And The Quintessential Ingredient Of One’s Humanity." These words will live with me for the rest of my life...
It's amazing just how much stress and negative emotions that we carry on our backs when we would walk freely, weightless, and happy if we cast our burdens onto God.
Very Nice Post
First and foremost, AMEN! Once we realize our path, our passion and our journey, no other can change us and our destiny. I am learning this very same thing everyday. I am living the truth and knowing that it is his GRACE that saved me and it will be my GRACE in this world that could possibly reach out and save others. Oh, MP, Lin, i am so glad to connect to you at this point in my life...you are totally encouraging and give me hope everyday that i may meet more like you. Continue on your journey dear friend and brother and i hope to someday meet you and celebrate our victory!
This is what I needed to hear today, glad to have you back, it's been a while.
Yo here here dad. I can drink a big ole cup of 'I-concur' to this.
~AgAbus (Capa-don)
Yes, you cannot control what others may do, only the way you react. It takes practice and, in times of great emotional upheaval, you might catch yourself falling into the trap of negativity. That negativity is the ego and, when it steps in, we must choose between it or our spirit. We aren't here to destroy the emotions and feelings brought on by ego -- but to master them. By the way... you have a beautiful spirit.♥
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